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*IMPORTANT: Guidelines for implementation of e-Way bill and linking with eT-RR w.e.f. 02-12-2024 are available now. Click here to download



Customer is required to furnish a filled forwarding note containing details of commodity, Originating and Destination points(Railway Locations) etc. to the goods clerk/ chief goods supervisor at the Loading Location over Indian Railways. Now customer can register their demand electronically from the place of their convenience through Indian Railway's Freight Operations Information System (FOIS) e-Demand Service. Visit Now..

Customers can place request for wagons by making application and payment of Wagon Registration Fee (WRF) at goods booking office. Now customer can register their demand electronically from the place of their convenience through Indian Railway's Freight Operations Information System (FOIS) e-Demand Service. Visit Now..

The distance / routes can be viewed through Indian Railway's Rates Branch System or Indian Railway's Freight Operations Information System (FOIS) website.Visit Now..

Wagon Registration Fee (WRF) is a booking amount collected at the time of placing indent. At present, the WRF is Rs.50000/- per rake (full train). This amount may be adjusted in Freight.

Customer may visit the Railway Goods Sheds with the request for booking or can book their consignemnt through Indian Railway's Freight Operations Information System (FOIS) electronically through e-Demand Service, which is simpler, convenient and transparent mode. Visit Now..


Railway has introduced Electronic payment system. It enables collection of freight charges directly from customer's bank account. Customers can avail this facility by executing agreement with railway administration and bank. Handling Agents of customers are also permitted for making e-payment on behalf of their customers.

Wagon Registration Fee (WRF) is a token amount collected at the time of placing indent. At present, the WRF is Rs.50000/- per rake. This amount may be adjusted in Freight.

Freight and Other Charges

Demurrage Charge is levied for the detention of railway�s rolling stock beyond prescribed free time.

Railway has permitted certain time as free time for loading and unloading of wagons. Free time are prescribed for different types of wagons at goods sheds, sidings, old steel plants, other steel plants and freight terminals/sidings/steel plants/goods sheds which work on Engine-on-Load basis.

At present, rate of Demurrage Charge is Rs 150/- per wagon per hour or part of an hour.

In case the consignor/consignee feels that Demurrage or Wharfage was imposed due to reasons beyond their control, he can prefer application for waiver to the station master/goods supervisor at the Loading or Delivery location as the case be.

Siding Charges are charges levied for hauling a rake (Freight Train) between Railway serving station and its siding for loading / unloading of Goods.

Siding Charge is worked out on the basis of Engine Hour Cost and average trip time for movement of rake between serving station and siding.

All India Engine Hour cost is notified by Railway Board for Diesel and Electric Locomotive.

Shunting Charge is levied for the utilization of Railway Loco to perform shunting operation on the Freight Train.

Through distance based charging is the system of charging freight upto the buffer end of the siding, in place of levying Siding Charge.

The system of charging freight on through distance basis is extended to all block rakes going into the siding directly or indirectly with the engine pulling or pushing, provided (a) there is no detention to engines except for change of ends and (b) no separate shunting staff is required exclusively for this purpose.

Policies and Rules

All loading points are progressively covered by weighbridges. The in-motion weighbridges are progressively linked with Indian Railways Freight Operations Information System (FOIS). Freight customers are permitted to install weighbridges on railway land at private siding/goods sheds. Guidelines are laid down for Weightometer/Pre-weighbin System of weighment in private sidings.

The traffic loaded from any terminals are required to be weighed at nominated weighbridges. Zonal Railway notifies associate weighbridge for each loading point and alternate associate weighbridge where weighment will be done if the associate weighbridge is defective.

Dispensation from mandatory weighment has been permitted in following cases.Commodities loaded in standard bags of uniform size like foodgrains, sugar, fertilizers, cement etc.HR Coil, CR Coil and other steel consignment which are pre-weighed on certified mill scale and bear marking/label of Central Excise/Customs.Low density commodities namely Petroleum Coke, Metallurgical Coke, Chuni, De-Oiled Cake.Containerized Import traffic where SMTP details are transmitted though EDI from Customs server to FOIS. Nepal bound containerized Import traffic on submission of Custom's document.

Customers who have placed indent for wagon may apply for free advance stacking permission. Permission for advance stacking is granted keeping in view the traffic pattern, number of rakes handled, availability of space etc. at the station/goods shed concerned.

Freight Operations Information System (FOIS)

A number of initiatives have been taken to promote digital working in freight business e.g. Registration of demand for wagons electronically (e-RD), Electronic Transmission of Railway Receipt (eT-RR), Terminal Management System, Online Interface to Freight Customers, Electronic payment system, Freight Advance Scheme, Online Goods Balance sheet and system generated Money Receipt. Visit Now..

Railway has implemented electronic interface for registration of demand for wagons Electronic Registration of Demand(e-RD). It provides electronic demand note facility through FOIS website wherein, customer can register their demand for wagons electronically. They need not to visit goods booking office.Visit Now..

Electronic Railway Receipt or eT-RR has been launched to provide paperless transaction system where Railway Receipt is generated and transmitted electronically to customer through FOIS, and even delivery of goods is given through e-surrender of eT-RR.

Terminal Management System or TMS provides system based preparation of Railway Receipt for freight traffic. In recent past, two new features have been added to promote digital working at field level (a) Preparation and submission of online goods balance sheet and (b) System generated Money Receipt which includes preparation of bill for miscellaneous charges i.e. Demurrage/Wharfage etc.

Online interface through Freight Operation Information system(FOIS) provide all requisite information e.g. freight class and rate for all commodities, position of indent/demand for each station, outstanding indents, shortest/popular routes, terminal handling facilities and freight calculator are available. Customers can track and trace their rakes while login their accounts in FOIS. Visit Now..

How to Reach Us

Step by Step guidance can be provided by Chief Goods Supervisor/Goods clerk at station.Please visit nearest Goods Shed.

Central Government/Railway Board is vested with the power to fix rates for transportation of goods and passengers.However,Zonal Railway administration is empowered to quote Station to Station rates and lumpsum rates.

Customer can book their rake through Indian Railway's Freight Operations Inforamtion System (FOIS) website electronically, which is simpler, convenient and transparent process.Visit Now..

The information regarding freight policy are uploaded on the webpage of Traffic Commercial Dte under www.indianrailways.gov.in

Customer may represent to Member Operations and Business Development(MOBD)/ Railway Board for any such relaxation. They may also approach Zonal Railway who in turn forwards the same to Railway Board along with analysis and their recommendations.

Chief Commercial Manager/Freight Marketing/Freight Services (CCM/FM/FS) and Dy.CCM/FS/FM at Zonal level and Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager (Sr. DCM) at Divisional level are the point of contact for the customers.

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