DEMAND REGISTRATION Register your demand for empty goods train, manually at your nearest freight terminal or electronically through E-Demand.Visit Now..
WAGON REGISTRATION FEE (WRF)Please Pay the Wagon Registration Fee (WRF).
ALLOTMENT OF EMPTY TRAIN (RAKE)Railways shall allot an empty rake(train) and customer is informed about the same.
RAKE SUPPLYThe Rake(Train) is supplied for Loading by Railways and Customer is informed.
RAKE LOADINGThe customer loads the Rake (Train) and hands over the loaded wagons/train to Railways.
WEIGHMENTThe Rake is weighed by Railways on nearest weighbridge location
PAYMENT OF FREIGHTThe Customer is required to Pay the Freight Charges through e-Payment service or through manual modes of Payment as applicable.
GENERATION OF RR/eT-RRRailways generates a Railway Receipt and same is handed over to the Customer in Physical Form. Registered Customers can opt for Railway Receipt in Electronic Format (eT-RR) which is shared electronically with customer on Registered E-Mail ID.
RAKE DEPARTURELoaded Freight Train departs from its source station
RAKE TRACKINGThe Customer can Track movement of their consignment through FNR (The Freight Number Record, the 11 digit number printed on the RR).Track Now..
RAKE ARRIVALCustomer is informed on Arrival of Goods at the destination.
RR TRANSFERRR is transferred from Consignor of Consignment to Consignee who shall claim the cargo at destination. In case of Electronic Railway Receipt(eT-RR) transfer of Railway Receipt can be carried out Digitaly using E-Demand Application.
TRAIN HANDOVERCustomer is handed over the Rake/Train for Un-Loading of Goods.
RAKE UN-LOADINGThe Customer unloads the Rake/Train and hands over the Empty Rake/Train back to Railways.
DELIVERY OF GOODSGoods are handed over to the Customer on clearance of charges(if any applicable) like Demmurage charges etc.
Register your Company by filling your Company details and uploading self-attested scanned copies of Company GSTIN/CIN/Letter Head or Any Other Proof.. Visit Now..
Register yourself by filling your detail and uploading scanned copies of self-attested, KYC documents- Passport Size Photo, PAN Card, Aadhaar Card and ID Card. Visit Now..
Railway shall provide login Credentials after Verification of the Documents
Please Login (using your allotted login credentials, provided by Railways) for availing e-Demand Facility and Register your demand online for empty trains.Visit Now..
Benefits of getting registered with Indian Railways
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